Routine Appointments

Routine appointments can be booked online and by phone in advance or the same day. Call 306 565 5640 to schedule an appointment with a physician of your choice.

Senior’s Wellness

We provide comprehensive medical care to elderly patients including regular check ups, cognitive assessments, etc. We have qualified medical specialists who accept clients on referral. Please contact our reception to book an appointment.

Nutrition & Wellbeing Services

We provide clinical nutritional counselling based on your health needs and referrals from your physician. Please request an appointment online or call our reception desk for more information on booking an appointment with our Registered Dietitian.

Urgent Care

Our physicians accept urgent care clients however, priority is given to clients that book in advance unless a client presents with emergency needs during clinic hours.

Mental Health Services

We provide intervention, medication support and other rehabilitation and outpatient medical management services upon referral.

Out of countries visits

We welcome patients from other country. They will be billed privately. Please call us for more information.

Life Coaching

We provide life coaching to enable you maximize your full potential and produce the results you desire in your personal and professional lives. Working with our coach, you are able to achieve such results quicker and more easily than you would on your own.

Counselling & Wellbeing Services

We provide a safe and confidential space to explore your thoughts and feelings, and to work through any personal challenges you may be facing. Through our counselling sessions, you can fain insight into yourself and develop effective coping strategies to improve your mental health and overall well-being.

Annual Physicals

Our clients are provided with annual physical examinations as needed. These are covered under the Saskatchewan Health Services.


We provide comprehensive women’s health services and referrals when needed.


Patients from other provinces seeking a Family Physician will be seen with appropriate health coverage. Patients from Quebec will have to pay a fee up front and then seek their reimbursement from Quebec Health Services.

Brain Check up

Our physicians provides brain check ups that uses non-invasive medical tests to give a current brain health and wellbeing overview. Our trained health professionals carry out the checkup up and there will be opportunities to discuss any specific health concerns you have.

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